I try to stay away from controversy. Whenever there is a debate or an issue that brings out the pitchforks, I put my head down and stay mum. Every so often, I'll attempt to add a voice, but then change my mind (hence, the half dozen drafts sitting in my post folder).
However, today I am feeling feisty. Feeling like maybe it's time to give my opinion. Daring to risk unfollows (not really.... I love you all... please don't leave me).
So, here goes the one-stop-shop on all of Jessica's views on the most heated debates over the past few months..............
1) Fifty Shades of Grey (and Darker, and Freed) - I love Jesus. I really do. I completely understand women who choose for themselves not to read these books.... and I 100% understand their reasons. That being said, I read them and loved them. To me, while they were certainly pretty hot books at certain points, there is a lot more going on than just sex. The
books are largely about Christian Grey exorcising his demons and
finding a healthier relationship pattern. The "how" of him getting into
the BDSM lifestyle is very psychological. That is what drew me in once I
started reading it and, imo, is what a lot of people mean about
"getting past the sex parts." Also, I think Ana is a pretty strong female.... she is willing to consider and decide what SHE wants. Does she give in a lot? Yes, but usually after she has decided that is what she wants to do. She also realizes when she is being controlled or manipulated and speaks out.
Admittedly, the writing isn't the best. The story may have been even better if the writing were better. Oh, well.
Are they erotic? Yes. Are they about more than sex? Yes. Are they for everyone? No.
Again, in my opinion.... the "Fifty Shades" series is causing a lot of the same drama/arguments that Harry Potter did 12 years ago. Harry Potter books first weren't allowed in public school libraries.... then, children had to have a note from their parents to check them out. Now? Very few people flinch at the sight of a HP book. Universal Orlando has an entire land devoted to it and is about to create a second. Some would say (and they have a right to say) that it's further proof of the downfall of our culture. Others would say that it was much ado about nothing 12 years ago.
2) Magic Mike - I have yet to see it, but I plan on it, eventually. It looks like a fun, silly movie that happens to have a shirtless Channing Tatum in it. Plus, it was filmed in my area and I always think that's cool.
3) The Olympic Uniforms - Weren't we aware that Ralph Lauren has his clothes made in China before now? All you have to do is look at a tag. Like, I get that it would give all of us a nice, warm fuzzy if they were made in the USA, but last time I checked, very few clothes are made here.
And, since there are hundreds of Olympic athletes from around the world that train in OUR country, I figure it's a fair trade.
4) Ann Curry - I felt bad that her dreams went up in smoke. She seems like a really nice lady. That being said, she *was* kind of boring.
5) Chick-Fil-A - Again, why are we all surprised? The company is closed on Sundays.... one of the few chains/large companies that still close on Sunday. That should have been the first clue.
May I suggest that everyone stop trying to change everyone else's mind by yelling about how wrong the opposing view is? People in favor of gay marriage aren't going to suddenly decide that they are against it. People who aren't in favor of gay marriage aren't going to be convinced on a dime that they should vote it into law. Yelling and pointing fingers only makes things worse. Really, it doesn't matter what a person says or doesn't say...... when they go into the voting booth, it is just them. They can vote however they choose. And, guess what? There really isn't anything anyone can do about it.
There are a lot of laws that I agree with. There are a lot of laws that I disagree with. I've been able to vote in two Presidential elections, so far. At this rate, I'm 50/50 for getting the person I wanted. When it's all said and done, we don't all get our way........ and, that is ok.
I love nice people. I love kind people. I love thoughtful people. I love quality people. Sexuality doesn't play a role in it. Political opinions don't play a role in it.
I also love really good chicken. So, I will still be eating at Chick-Fil-A.
6) JCPenney - I don't really like their new pricing system, but I do love Ellen. The commercials alone are worth the change.
I think that is it. Was there any other hot topics that I've forgotten?
Hopefully, you all still love me, lol.