1. Top 3 favorite kinds of food
I'm really a fan of all genres, but we'll go with my top 3..... Italian, Mexican, and Southern.
2. First 3 things you do in the morning
Hit snooze, make my bed (every single morning.... first thing.... can't stand an unmade bed), and pee.
3. Last 3 things you do at night
Brush my teeth, set my alarm, and check my alarm to make sure I set it
4. 3 TV shows you NEVER miss
Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and Big Bang Theory
5. 3 places you want to visit
Italy, Ireland, and Greece
6. 3 people you can always count on
I can always count on my mom and my cousin Heidi, for absolutely anything. Then, there are several other people that I can count on for various things. My friend Meg can always be counted on for encouragement and moral support, even though I don't get to see her as much as i'd like.