Sunday, April 26, 2009


Yesterday (April 25th), was a rather busy day. First, I got up before the sun to attend the March for Babies. The station is the media sponsor for our county's walk, so M and I headed down there.

The bad news.... I hadn't washed my hair the night before and it was gross. So, after the walk, I rushed home, jumped in the shower, dressed quickly, and headed to the other side of town to attend the Big Brothers/Big Sister 'Bowl for Kids Sake' event. We also sponsor this and every year, we get to bowl.

Seriously, it's one of the best events we get to do. We decided to pit two different morning shows against each other. Even my step-sister, brother, and his girlfriend came down to bowl.

*Please excuse my no make-up*

E with the Geico Gecko

S, D, and P with the Geico Gecko

M also joined the fun.

E, making love to the camera, lol

S and E.... discussing their strategy

P.... going for the gold

S... our awesome receptionist

Intern "Hollywood" and D

LA and I....

M and I

E and I

S and I

D and I

Cutest picture EVER.... S's daughter

The whole gang....

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