Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Operation 30

3/24 - 3/30 Workouts:

Monday - Week 4, Day 1 C25K, plus 30 mins walking
Thursday morning - Week 4, Day 2 C25K, plus 40 mins walking

Saturday - Walked for 75 minutes

Grade: B - ....... We're getting there, but need to do at least 4-5 times a week.

3/31 - 4/6 Workouts:

Monday - Walked 60 minutes

Tuesday - Walked 50 minutes

Thursday morning - 30 Day Shred (Level 1, Day 1)

Thursday evening - Week 4, Day 3 C25K, plus 15 minutes walking

Friday morning - 30 Day Shred (Level 1, Day 2)

 Saturday morning - 30 Day Shred (Level 1, Day 3)

Grade: A ....... NOW we are getting somewhere!!! Easter (and leftovers) pretty much screwed me up eating wise, but I did some great exercising.

Let's make some goals for this week......

1) Continue with 30 Day Shred
2) Complete Week 5 of the Couch 2 5K
3) Track all my points and stay within 30 weekly points.

1 comment:

Melissa Jo said...

Girl you are up & going, hopefully you can rub off on me some because I've been so lazy lately!