Monday, November 1, 2010

30-Day Blog Challenge - Day 22

Day 22 - Favorite City

My favorite city is my hometown in Florida. I love it.

We're in a great location. We're small enough that there is definitely quite a bit of the "small town feel"........ and, enough of people getting into one another's business, lol. However, we're not as small as we feel.

We have fun traditions. We have our quirks. We have our stereotypes. We have our identity.

And, I love it!

My second favorite city is Nashville, TN. I would love to move there, one day.


krystal said...

I'm going to pick where I live for my favorite city too! We are lucky to live near a big city but are able to enjoy living in the 'burbs!

Sarah said...

I grew up in FL, so I'm pretty partial to the sunshine state ;)
Have a great day!