Sunday, February 28, 2010

Random Question Sunday

Head over to Mann Land5 to grab the questions.......

1. Would you rather bungee jump or sky dive?

Um, neither. I like living.

If I have to choose, I'll take bungee jumping. At least there is something tied to me.

2. When using a public restroom to you squat over the seat or sit?

I have to sit. I do a thorough cleaning and covering, but I just can't hover. It doesn't work for me.

If the restroom is too disgusting, I will find another one.

3. Favorite flower?

I like Calla Lillies, Roses, Sunflowers, and Tea Roses.

4. Pedicure or manicure?

Pedicure.... they are more relaxing and last longer.

5. How many siblings do you have?

One half-brother, a step-brother, and four step-sisters. Gotta love the modern family, lol.

6. Do you pee in the shower? (gasp!)

I try not to, lol. I usually go in the toilet while the shower is warming up.

I realize this is probably more than you ever needed or wanted to know about me, but the question was asked, lol.

7. Bikini, tankini, or one piece?

Tankini.... I avoid wearing a bathing suit, as much as possible, though.

8. Where do you hate to shop at, but go there anyway?
I have no idea. I don't actually mind Wal-Mart. Ours is pretty clean. I do prefer Target, though.
I'm just not a shopper, by nature, so if I don't like a store I have no problem avoiding it.


Gina said...

These are good questions, even though two of them are about pee, lol.

Mrs. B said...

totally with you on trying to avoid bathing suits as much as possible. i love these little surveys!

LWLH said...

I have peed in the shower before but I promise not to do it at the hotel! :) lol