Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back At Work...... :(

I love my job. But, boy, did I love those 12 days off. They ended WAY too soon.

So far, it has been a surprisingly easy day. Very low-key. It helps that our typical meetings for the day got postponed, so I've been able to leisurely catch up on emails, etc, instead of rushing around.

Other than that, it's been sort of bipolar........

1) It's currently 41 DEGREES outside at 11:50am. In Florida. So, what does my office building do? Turns on the air.

2) Thankfully, I am prepared for the one person who complains about it being stuffy (thus the air being turned on) and I have a space heater going on in my office. Everyone else may be freezing, but I'm warm and toasty.

3) FD decides today is a great day to piss me off. Which he started to do last Wednesday and just put the final nail in the coffin this morning. I have a lot of things to say to him on the subject, but when I talk to him, I'm too mad (blood boiling mad) to say anything. So, I give him one-word responses. While he calls me "Sweetie" and tells me how disappointed he is and how he wishes things could be different. Only, I don't giggle or tell him it's ok or tell him that I know he wishes it could be different. Because I don't buy it. If he wanted things to be different, they would be different. He does this crap too much for me to buy it. What he doesn't know (and hopefully, I'll eventually be able to tell him) is that he's done some pretty major damage with this latest stunt........ both in a professional sense and a personal sense, where I'm concerned.

4) Then, I got some awesome news from a friend. Like, I was almost crying tears of joy with her.

See? Bipolar. We'll see what the second half of the day brings, lol.


Justine said...

41 degrees? And the air on? Gosh, that person must be NUTS! I have to admit, I'm a big wimp after having been in Florida for two winters. I now think anything under 70 degrees is cold. :)

Gina said...

My building had no heat. So I hear you.

And? I need to hear more about FD (and your response of course).

Finally, to tease about fabulous news and then not tell what it is..c'mon, chica. Is this a Twitter friend? Do I know her?

I'm not bipolar...just nosy. All the time.

LWLH said...

Brrr....that is frigid for FL....smart thinking on the space heater.

Ooooh what happened with FD?!?

LWLH said...

Brrr....that is frigid for FL....smart thinking on the space heater.

Ooooh what happened with FD?!?