Saturday, December 5, 2009

Weekly Workout Blog (times two)

Week 25.........

But first! I weighed and measured myself on Monday. Despite my poor track-record of late, I still managed to lose 2 lbs and a total of 2 inches (spread out over various places). Not great, but I was sure I'd gained weight.

Sunday - 30 mins of Elliptical and a walk around the lake

Monday - Curves

Tuesday - Nada

Wednesday - Nada

Thursday - Thanksgiving.... HA!

Friday - nope

Saturday - Nothing

Week 26......

Sunday - Walked all over Magic Kingdom.... doesn't really count, but it's the best I could do, lol

Monday - Nope

Tuesday - Curves

Wednesday - Nope

Thursday - Walked 3 miles (in a parade - I'm counting it)

Friday - Does hiking all over Gaylord Palms count for anything?

I'm not going to grade myself, simply because it's too depressing. Time is not my friend, right now.

I'm also not going to make goals, except for:


The "possible" part presents a problem.... work is more than insane. I literally have some sort of function almost every night. I'll do my best, though.

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