Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday Matinee...

About 6 weeks ago, my friend and coworker M asked me if I'd like to join her to go see a play. I've talked about M before.... she's like an aunt to me. We both refer to her as my "Aunt M." I, of course, said absolutely and we planned to go see Forever Plaid.

The play was about an hour away, so we headed out late this morning. Once we found the theatre, we looked for something to eat. I had my handy-dandy navigation system to lead us to a Tijuana Flats. We followed the directions, all the way until the lady said, "You've reached your destination.".......... Only, we were in the middle of a neighborhood. There may have been a woman named Tijuana who lived there, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't planning on serving us lunch, today.

So, we turned back around and found a little cafe near the theatre. It was delicious!

The play was really cute, too. We enjoyed ourselves. I'd actually never heard of the show before, lol, but it was good. It was about a 50's Doo-Wop group that were killed in a car accident right before their first big show. Stuck in limbo for decades, they come back to Earth in current day and have to finish their show before they can cross over. It was entertaining.

Such a nice Sunday, to start off a crazy week!

Speaking of which.........


I have several meetings throughout the week. On Wednesday, we have a concert we're putting on. Friday is a little nuts, plus I'm going to the Brad Paisley concert. Saturday, I have two events to attend for the station.

Plus, Saturday is "The Guy"s birthday. He might be coming home for the weekend. Cross your fingers and pray. Thanks!

1 comment:

LWLH said...

Glad you had a great weekend! :)