Friday, May 17, 2013

Favorite Self-Photo (BEDIM 17)

 Day 17, Friday:
  A favorite photo of yourself and why
This photo was taken last Saturday at the Tim McGraw concerts. My sister was wearing her glasses.... they are super cute and I wanted to try them on. Then, I was chatting with a friend and she took this picture of me.
First of all, I think the glasses look cute. I wore glasses as a child and HATED them. I thought they made me look dorky and ugly. Eventually, my eyesight evened itself out and the doctor said I really didn't need them anymore. I was thrilled. Now, I'm pretty sure that I could use reading glasses.... in fact, Megan's (pictured) are the lowest prescription possible for reading and driving at night and I could see perfectly with them. But, I just liked that I was wearing glasses and I looked cute. A far cry from the ugly glassed duckling.
Second, it sort of shows how I feel when I'm being my best self. She held up the phone and took the picture. On the other side was a cute, quirky, fun girl.... and that is who I ultimately want to be seen as.
Third, my face looks skinny. I'm still fighting to get off the 15 lbs I gained last Fall, so my face looks a little fuller than I'd like. This picture is sort of a "You are doing it.... keep it up!" motivator.    


Allison said...

Stopping by from the link up! I hear you on hating glasses... I've needed them since the third grade. So many years and so many photos of me in huge clunky 90's frames! Now that I'm used to wearing contacts they finally make cute ones, go figure :)

LWLH said...

You are rocking those glasses, very cute!

Jess @ Wrangling Chaos said...

I think you're gorgeous. But then, I've ALWAYS thought you're gorgeous. :)