Monday, August 2, 2010

The one and only reason I'm going to my college reunion.....

That's right.

I'm hoping that Ali and Roberto make it long enough to make it to our reunion and actually show up.

Apparently, not only did I go to the same college as Roberto, but we graduated together.

Clearly, we weren't close, lol.

We did have a mutual friend, though.

I loved my college. I really did. However, I was never a typical college kid and was fine not having the typical college experience.

Other than keeping in touch with a few of my professors, I really haven't held any ties to college. I never planned on even going to a reunion.

You better believe I'll be going now, lol.

*** I'm basically kidding. Kind of.***


Gina said...

Can I come????????????

Sonya said...

Sounds like a good reason to go!

Amanda said...

That's hilarious! :) I say do it!

LWLH said...

I'm not a Bachelorette fan but that will be cool if they come.